Thursday, 1 September 2011

Tuesday 30th August Arrington to Oundle

After the exertions of Monday, Tuesday was a fairly quiet day. Having had a great breakfast, updated the blog & checked our emails, we didn't get away from the B&B till after 11.00. [I soon discovered the error of having a curry while cycling - Don].  We then meandered our way over to St Neots, and stopped off for some refreshments (!) and bike maintenance. I was chuffed when the bike repair man told me he liked my handlebars. I'm easily pleased. Don bought a new inner tube and had his tyres pumped up to hitherto untested pressures. He then promptly suffered a flat tyre after 5 minutes on the bike. Half an hour later, with some supervision and unhelpful advice from the local roadsweeper, we were on our way again, stopping briefly at Grafham Water, where we had a bite to eat overlooking the reservoir. I clocked up a few new birds, but nothing spectacular. Later, however, there was a fantastic view of a Red Kite over the village of Barnwell. Then more meandering to Oundle, where we stayed in the Ship Inn. As luck would have it, Tuesday is Pie and Quiz night in the Ship Inn. I like quizzes, and Don likes pies. My sister Cathy and her partner Andy drove over from Leicester and treated us to a meal in the pub, and an interesting anecdote about burning underpants, which we may relate in full in a separate post.
Martin receiving some sisterly therapy!
Martin,Cathy & Andy
We formed a temporary alliance as the Beery Bikers and entered the quiz night. It was not our finest hour. However, I don't think anyone over 40 can be expected to recognise a caricature of Anastasia...

No Vodafone signal in the town apparently, and no wifi except in the bar, so I retired early & caught up on 2 episodes of The Archers I'd downloaded earlier. It surely couldn't be far now till the Borsetshire boundary...

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