Friday, 9 September 2011

Back in the saddle

Well the beery birdy bikers are reunited and enjoying morning refreshments in the Hungry Monk at Lochwinnoch. Just off to the Erskine Bridge, then up to the hostel at Balloch.

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Location:United Kingdom


  1. Well done you two. Keep on carrying on!

  2. Hi Don & Martin,

    I’ve been out of commission for a few days and just caught up with your blog. Sorry to hear that you Don have been a bit grog but are now back in the saddle. It doesn’t sound as if my sponsorship of your beer drinking is going to be affected, you’ll still exceed my maximum by a goodly margin! Congratulations to you both on a grand effort and I look forward to making my small contribution to your cause. - Wynne sends her love.

  3. Very well done to you both - now you've only got the easy bit left!! Don - so glad that you did not take any chances with your health - mind you, the forecast for Scotland looks really awful - with the tail end of the American Hurricane.

    If Martin wants to do his birdwatching in the howling gales - let him - you can do your beer watching (and tasting) in various Scottish Hostelries with warm cosy fires - far more sensible.

    Sadly, this will be my last Blog entry because Eve and I (and Kirsty) are just off on a Mediterranean Cruise, and we are not back until the end of September. On our return, I shall catch up with you re sponsorship (hope you have been keeping a tally of the number of English Counties visited!)

    In the meantime, God speed and all the very best.
